Friday, August 20, 2010

Stand Up for Yourself in Interview

If the goal is to help found and support empowered young thinkers with the nutrition work I am doing. Perhaps I could incorporate a suggestion made by an administrator at one of the facilities I work with to create an empowering session for the young guys.

The director of programs, during my last trip to the facility, suggested that I promote the possibility of a student entering their opinion into the newspaper. Like testimonials reinforcing nutrition messages, the opinions of the young guys are exactly what we are after so perhaps giving them their own soap box to speak from would be the best way to really promote their ideas about nutrition. Now, undeniably some young guys won't have the kind of positive outlook on nutrition administrators or I would like to see in print, but I think the activity of pairing students up together would put both the interviewee and the interviewer into a powerful position of empowerment where with the right prompting students couldn't help but speak of the positive effects of good health.

Beyond promoting their opinions of health, an activity based as an interview would also serve to make clear their opinions of health and wellness giving me the raw data I need to create relevant questions and activities to push their thinking about the subject.

All in all, I think utilizing the interview format and empowering these young guys to put their words into the newsletter would be a step in the direction of confidence and creativity necessary for changing minds and making commitments to living better.

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