Leadership to a great extent can be seen in the teamwork process. The exchange between any persons working together toward a common purpose. More realistically though, it is any persons whose relationship impacts the outcome of that work. Understanding and participating in this kind of leadership properly requires trust, focus, and determination.
In the last few days I have seen many different instances of positive and negative leadership, some performed by me and some by others I have observed. It occurs to me that regardless of the excuse for negative leadership, if those in an authority position are not challenging their followers to raise their level of participation and representation in the work, then we as leaders are failing. The most effective approach to leadership is the improvement and incorporation of followers into the decision making process. The sincere challenge can in effect push followers to see the relationship with a leaders as a far more fluid relationship; a relationship to be worked and used for the benefit for all.
Creating the space for creativity and originality and then challenging followers to use their resources to dynamically work in that environment will create a more sustainable working relationship. As a follower I can say with certainty that there is nothing more stifling as an unapproachable boss. The leader must be present and inspirational.
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