Thursday, November 12, 2009

Integration and Attraction: our way forward

The ambiguity of our leadership and their rhetoric leaves the majority of followers confused and without recourse. In order for common people to exert their power as a whole, the leadership must be involved in the organizing of a dynamic democratic discourse. This discourse would then be the jumping off point for concerted planned action in the name of democracy for the people. I believe within this framework of participatory management and freedom lies the fault of reactionary conservatives who followed the lead of their biased informers and leaders. Democracy requires consistent dialogue and reflection on behalf of the group and individual and therefore reasoned argument and discussion.

There are few organizations which perform this duty because in order to sustain a grassroots effort the organization must be ingrained in the culture of the community. The community must manifest the values of the organization. Thus, the community must trust, value, and lead the work of the organization. But, above all else, the people's organization must invest heavily in the empowerment of the community in order to galvanize and create a transformative environment for community members. In order to empower, the community organizers must make clear that the capacity to change and rearrange community's priorities and assets is dependent upon motivated community members. In other words, if they want to see something done they must be at the forefront doing it. This process requires a great deal of facilitation skill because you have to engage interested participants in group work where together you conceptualize the hierarchy of importance of the subject matter and then make certain you have an opportunity to reflect on the nature of the hierarchy: is it good or bad? Once this has been done and the work plan has been settled upon, the organization must mobilize to see the work through. At this point the role of the leadership is simply to support the next line of leaders to rise to the occasion.

Having done this a number of times I can say with certainty that a consistent presence and a measure of care ensures other participants feel comfortable investing their lives in the venture. From that point on it is the responsibility of the leadership to educate the next line of leaders into those positions of leadership until every feels confident to take part in the process of democratic dialogue and action.

What must be made as clear as possible is that without these measures and rituals of leadership of passing along the song of empowerment we will not attract people into the communities of democracy. As individualism and selfishness manifest themselves through the current popular economic philosophies of our day, all of us will see the degradation of our social lives.

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