Motivations to improve the diets of our families must not linger in any form of guilt or embarrassment. Instead the conversation must be empowering and positive as changes are sought to not just change our understanding of nutrition but also of preparing nutritious meals. If adults don't have as much time to prepare meals, enlist the young people to help and make the process something creative and fun for both parties. Encourage the creative energies of all parties to meet at the table and create meals that reflect not just their nutrition needs but their worldly passions as well. For instance, if you are cooking a dinner for the whole family explain to the young person (enlistee) our need for some medium to inform the rest of the family to the nutrition benefits of our meal, then suggest that the young one illustrate a comic detailing the preparation of the meal along with some nutrition information.
Working as a group and having fun must be two of the cornerstones you lean on during this long and tenacious effort to empower ourselves and our future generations of eaters and producers.
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