Monday, July 19, 2010

Teams Work

As of now I have had a great deal of experience working with teams of peers. Whether in school, work, or recreation, I can say with too much evidence to back my assertion that work cannot be done well if the team is not capable of working together. Now the question is: what is working together? How must we relate to one another to be considered working together? I would say the answer to these and many other questions of team cohesion can only be answered by the team members themselves. If any of them feel unable to address group issues of respect, integrity, critique, etc. with the group you have a problem of cohesion.

The consequences of a group without cohesion may seem slight at first but as it progresses into more and more tension through the process of passive aggression, the group will have larger and more emotional obstacles. A team is not a team if it cannot relate to one another in a personable and respectful manner. Support and inspiration are the advantages of team work, tension and destructive competition are the disadvantages. Which of these outcomes the group invests in is up to the management, but rest assured, if management does nothing, the group will decide for it's self.

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